- Introduction
- Mainfeature
- Application&scenarios
- Specification
- Parts/Warranty
Model KTWTD-15065-08S KTWTD-15065-09S FrequencyRange 824-896(MHz) 890-960(MHz) Input Impedance 50(Ω) VSWR <1.5 Gain 15(dBi) (3dB)HPBW 65°H-plane 17°E-plane F/B >30(dB) Isolate >28(dB) Cross Polarization >15(dB) Maximum Power 500(W) Polarization 士45° To The Vertical PIM <-107(dBm) Connector Type 7/16或N-K Lighting Protection Direct Ground Wind Velocity 200(km/h) Height/Width/Depth 1200/290/90(mm) Weight 11(Kg) Hold Pole Diameter φ50-φ114(mm)
- Mainfeature
Model KTWTD-15065-08S KTWTD-15065-09S FrequencyRange 824-896(MHz) 890-960(MHz) Input Impedance 50(Ω) VSWR <1.5 Gain 15(dBi) (3dB)HPBW 17°E-plane F/B >30(dB) Isolate >28(dB) Cross Polarization 5(dB Maximum Power 500(W) Polarization 士45° To The Vertical PIM <-107(dBm Connector Type 7/16或N-K Lighting Protection Direct Ground Wind Velocity 200(km/h) Height/Width/Depth 1200/290/90(mm) Weight 11(Kg) Hold Pole Diameter φ50-φ114(mm)
- Application&scenarios
- Specification
- Parts/Warranty
■ contat supplier ■ Solution&Application
*Model : KT-GRP-B25-P40-B
*Product Category : 10W Wireless Cell Phone Signal Digital band Selective Repeater GSM 900 MHz Repeater Amplifiers -
*Model : KTWTD-12070-09V
*Product Category : 8 degrees declination residential flat directional antenna (890-960MHz) -
*Model : KT-CDMA980
*Product Category : Golden CDMA980 Indoor 850MHz 70dB UMTS GSM CDMA 2G 3G 4G Wireless Repeater Cell Phone Signal Booster for home -
*Model : KT-TRP-B15-P40-B
*Product Category : 10W Tetra800MHz Band Selective Repeaters
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