WHAT IS UHF TETRA Channel Selective BDA Repeater SYSTEM?
Emergency Responders lose communications when in-building radio signals are weakened by structures such as concrete, windows and metal. The Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA) System, also known in some markets as DAS-Distributed Antenna System, is a signal-boosting solution designed to enhance in-building radio frequency (RF) signal coverage for public safety radios.
Any building that is identified and inspected under local ordinances and/or is requiring public safety permits.
Many facilities now require BDA installation with new or building renovation permits and certifications.
Any building where first responders, maintenance, and security personnel need to maintain constant two-way communications.
Airport Terminals
Apartment Buildings
Assisted Living Facilities
Commercial Buildings
Convention Centers
Governmental Buildings
Manufacturing Plants
Parking Garages
Retail Shopping Malls
Schools and Campuses
Shipping Ports
Stadiums and Arenas